Monday, July 30, 2007

I am so smart. smrt.

People are more confident about their intelligence than they are about their looks. I think just about anyone would trade in some of their intelligence for better looks. Any smart person would, anyway.


Brian Hurley said...

That is true and also kind of a shame. Here is a hypothesis. On the one hand, we surround ourselves with images of really beautiful people in order to sell and market our products. So we all start to feel like we're not beautiful enough, and that's bad. But then we make it worse by telling everyone that they're a bright shining star, a unique person with goals and thoughts that everyone deserves to hear and appreciate. Which is rarely the case. But you have to say that to people in order to counterbalance the ridiculous standards of beauty that we live by. So we end up with a complete democracy of ideas, where everyone's thoughts are supposed to be valued. And on the other hand we end up with a small elite in terms of beauty. It's all fucked, Andy, but wouldn't you like to turn it around and see what happens if we do exactly the opposite? You have to be really smart in order to have an opinion, but anyone can feel beautiful and get laid?

hthr said...

If you watch "America's Next Top Model" enough then you start to realize that even people who are supposed to be very beautiful look rather hideous most of the time.

Or maybe my standards are just so exaggerated that even models are not pretty enough for me anymore.