Thursday, January 15, 2009

I have bad timing.

I know I like to complain about the weather, but I would like to point to this easy-to-reference comparison chart:

This is exactly what happened last time I went back east. Furthermore, when I got back, it rained for a month straight. This is destined to happen again, and I will prove it when I get back.

Inauguration had better be fucking awesome.


Carrie M said...

Andy, I think you're being overly optimistic. With the wind chill factored in, the next few days in New York are actually expected to be 15 to 20 degrees lower than those numbers.

Isn't the East Coast awesome?

Klaus Varley said...

Damn, and I thought I had it bad, having to duck the sun today to keep from getting burned and coffee shops blasting AC...

hthr said...

Are you going to the inauguration? We thought about it but it looks like it will be a nightmare of crowdedness.

hthr said...

Oh we didn't go. It seemed way too annoying. I watched it on the tv. Was it fun?