Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lost in the Bookstore.

The travel section in Barnes and Noble is terribly disorganized, or perhaps just very illogically done. There are the two main subdivisions, which are fine: US and World. I did not look too closely in the World section, but within the US, it seems haphazardly alphabetical by both city and state, but after you go from A-Z, somehow it starts up again at A for another go around to Z, again haphazardly with both cities and states. (Washington DC mingles with Washington State, and then Yellowstone National Park, which is inexplicably next to Alabama. or something.)

If I were to redesign the section, I'd have a large shelf made in the shape of the United States and put the books where they belong geographically. Then people could learn some geography while they're at it. (Though it might take the uninformed longer to find what they're looking for.)

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